Atma Mastery
This blog focuses on all things Atma Mastery with regular tools, and resources for embodying your Warrior, Lover, Alchemist, and Atma.
As well as a more in-depth look at what each one represents.
“The nobody can’t suffer. The somebody trying to be somebody suffers because they feel like a nobody. But as we embrace the nobody, we become the everybody.”
In a world that constantly asks us to define who we are, the concept of becoming “nobody” can feel radical, even terrifying. Yet, as we navigate times of intense emotional and energetic flow, this surrender to “nobody” is precisely what’s being asked of us.
To let go of the identities, stories, and attachments we cling to and embrace our true nature—the oneness, the wholeness, the divinity that has always been within us.
Our identities are built on layers of thoughts, beliefs, desires, and traumas. We’re taught to cling to these layers because they give us a sense of self. But what if the act of clinging is what holds us back from true freedom?
Imagine a river representing emotional and energetic flow. The water washes away all that needs to be destroyed, yet we cling to the bank. We cling to our beliefs, our desires, our fears, and our stories. True liberation lies not in holding on but in letting go—in surrendering it all.
This surrender isn’t partial; it’s total. Every belief, every story, every goal—even the pursuit of enlightenment—must be placed on the altar. Like the biblical figure asked to sacrifice his child, we are called to put everything on the line. Our identities as “somebody” trying to heal, trying to ascend, trying to be at peace must dissolve.
As Ram Dass, Adyashanti, and others have taught, the journey to becoming nobody is one of shedding and softening. It’s about recognizing that the person trying to heal is the very person perpetuating the illusion of separation. The more we cling to the “somebody” we think we are, the more we reinforce our limitations.
But when we soften into the truth that we are everything and nothing at once, the game changes. Suddenly, there’s no suffering, no craving, no resistance. There is only presence, only wholeness.
This process of surrender doesn’t have to happen in isolation. Here are some tools and practices to support you on this journey:
Reflective Media: Watching meaningful videos or reading transformative books can help you connect with these ideas. For example, videos like the one depicting light and dark through symbolic imagery or telepathic conversations about life’s mission can spark deep conversations, even with children, about the nature of existence and connection.
Meditative Reflection: Spend time in stillness and ask yourself:
What beliefs, stories, or desires am I clinging to?
What would it feel like to let them go?
Journaling: Document your thoughts about major life events and the unconscious patterns that shaped them. Explore the roots of these patterns and how they connect to your identity.
Surrender Practices: Imagine placing everything on the altar—your pains, your traumas, your goals, your identity itself. Visualize releasing them and allowing the wholeness of everything to emerge.
Dialogue and Connection: Share these reflections with trusted friends, family, or even your children. Open conversations about these ideas can create deeper connections and help everyone involved explore their own paths.
As we surrender our identities, we move closer to our divine essence. The nobody requires nothing. The nobody exists in no time and no place because it is everywhere and everything. This is the essence of oneness.
To embrace this oneness, we must soften into the truth that we are not separate from the divine. We are the divine, the light and the dark, the joy and the pain. By welcoming all aspects of existence, we transcend the illusion of separation and step into our full, limitless selves.
Becoming nobody is not about losing yourself; it’s about finding your true self. It’s about breaking free from the illusion of being a “somebody” and embracing the wholeness of everything and nothing.
The journey requires courage, surrender, and trust. It’s a path of letting go, of placing everything on the altar, and stepping into the unknown. But as you embrace this path, you’ll discover a freedom and peace that comes from being fully present, fully divine, and fully whole.
Let go of the clinging.
Embrace the flow.
Step into the wholeness of being nobody—and everything.